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This is What Your Manuscript Goes Through When You Work with APS for Editing or Translation

Scholarly work is a passionate albeit solitary journey. An author mostly works alone from the time that they select a topic, down to writing their findings. The passion and dedication that an author has for their research is something that is difficult to compare to any other profession. This is because they recognize that any progress they make would not just affect themselves but the rest of humanity as well. 

While the level of passion and dedication that authors have is admirable, being too close to their work can also cause some harm. One of which is sometimes failing to see how outputs can be improved since stories are told in just a single voice. This is where collaboration enters the research process. 

Having another set of eyes through an academic editor or translator not only helps authors ensure that their paper is free of writing mistakes, but can also be a means to receive strategic advice on how to communicate their ideas better and clearer for their target readers. 

At the core of the author’s working relationship with their editor is a process that would help them achieve their goals. We at APS understand the importance of a well-put-together quality control process as we work with the authors and over the years, we have developed a system that would ultimately benefit the authors and their target readers. 

In the following infographic, we detail the process that we use in working with authors. 

APS Systematic Quality Process Infographic 2

Need help with editing or translating your research? Be sure to check out the services American Publishing Services or email us at to inquire. 

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